In a world marked by constant change and uncertainties, I've cultivated a daily practice of gratitude. It's a powerful habit that has brought more positivity into my life. It was especially useful during the many lockdowns we experienced here in Melbourne. Even more so when I was seperated from my mother who was terminally ill during the last lockdown.
Consider taking a moment each day to jot down three things you're grateful for. Softening your eyes if that feels good and savoring the feeling.
As we approach the holiday season, I want to extend my heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays. Moreover, I want you to know that I am profoundly grateful for the role you play in Liz Albanis Wellness.
I am most grateful to have been told I don’t have breast cancer after a scare the week before last that meant I needed a biopsy. If you have your health, you’re a millionaire!
Every day of health I am grateful for.
It’s especially nice to get this news before Christmas.
Warm regards and best wishes for the rest of the festive season.