Happy Holidays

#gratitude #happyholidays #merrychristmas Dec 23, 2023

Hi lovely yogis!

As the holiday season is upon us, I find myself reflecting on the things that bring joy and gratitude into my life. Today, I want to express my sincere appreciation to each and every one of you.

This time of year is special, allowing us to pause amidst life's busyness and appreciate the abundance that surrounds us—family, home, health, business, and, of course, the connections made, including you.

While my content and coaching business may be just a part of your day or week, it is a big part of my work life. Whether you're a current client or not, I spend my days and nights contemplating how I can better serve you, exceed your expectations, and enhance your overall experience.

Your decision to engage with me, whether as a client or in any capacity, holds immense value. I am committed to ensuring that I contribute to your journey in a meaningful and positive way.

In a world marked by constant change and uncertainties, I've cultivated a daily practice of gratitude. It's a powerful habit that has brought more positivity into my life. It was especially useful during the many lockdowns we experienced here in Melbourne. Even more so when I was seperated from my mother who was terminally ill during the last lockdown.

Consider taking a moment each day to jot down three things you're grateful for. Softening your eyes if that feels good and savoring the feeling.

As we approach the holiday season, I want to extend my heartfelt wishes for a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays. Moreover, I want you to know that I am profoundly grateful for the role you play in Liz Albanis Wellness. 

I am most grateful to have been told I don’t have breast cancer after a scare the week before last that meant I needed a biopsy. If you have your health, you’re a millionaire!
Every day of health I am grateful for.
It’s especially nice to get this news before Christmas.

Warm regards and best wishes for the rest of the festive season.

