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Honouring All Experiences This Mother's Day

#acceptance #compassion #gratitude #honour #mothersday May 12, 2024

To my followers,

Today is Mothers Day here in Autralia. Many of us prepare to celebrate the incredible mothers in our lives. Those who've nurtured, taught, and loved us. This day filled with flowers, heartfelt cards, and family gatherings. All expressing gratitude and love. But, amidst the joyful celebrations, it's crucial to recognise and honour that Mother's Day can be a complex and challenging time for many.

For those who have lost their mothers, this day may bring a resurgence of grief. A longing for one more moment with their loved one. The pain of absence can feel more pronounced against the backdrop of widespread celebration. Making the day a difficult passage.

Equally poignant is the heartache felt by mothers who have experienced the unimaginable loss of a child. Through miscarriage, stillbirth, or at any stage in life. Mother's Day might evoke memories of dreams unfulfilled. A unique form of loneliness that such losses harbor.

There are also those among us who may not have had the opportunity to form that fundamental bond with a mother. Or even a mother figure. The reasons vary:

๐ŸŒธ Absence;

๐ŸŒธ Early loss,

๐ŸŒธ or separation

These emotions cut deeper during times like these when motherhood is widely celebrated.

Additionally, not all relationships with mothers are sources of comfort or happiness. Many struggle with complex, painful, or estranged relationships with their mothers. Which can make Mother’s Day an occasion of mixed emotions and discomfort, rather than pure celebration.

And let's not overlook those who have longed to be mothers. Faced hurdles such as infertility, health issues, or circumstances that made it impossible. This day can often amplify the feelings of incompleteness and grief for what might have been.

Speaking from personal experience, Mother’s Day has been particularly challenging for me in recent times. Ever since I lost my own mother to a rare form of cancer in December 2021. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her and practice gratitude for the time we had together. Her memory continues to be a source of strength and inspiration in my life. I feel extremely grateful I defeated the odds and was given the privilege and honour of being a mother nearly 5 years ago. An experience denied to many deserving people.

In recognising these varied experiences. let's extend compassion  to those for whom Mother’s Day might be a time of reflection, sadness, or challenge. Consider reaching out to those who might be struggling. Or spending the day in remembrance rather than celebration. Small gestures of kindness—a message, a call, or the gift of listening—can mean a great deal.

For those reading this who find Mother’s Day difficult, know that your feelings are valid. You are not alone. It’s okay to step back from the celebrations if you need to and to do whatever feels right for you. I encourage practicing extra self-care during this time. I invite you to explore my self-care eBook for inspiration on how to incorporate more of it into your busy lives. This resource designed to help you find peace and positivity. Even in the most challenging times. Here is the link: ๐Ÿ”—

As we observe this Mother’s Day, let’s embrace a broad and inclusive understanding of what the day can represent. Holding space for all the joys, sorrows, memories, and hopes it might bring. This approach not only enriches our own lives. But also fosters a deeper sensitivity and understanding within our communities. Let’s celebrate, remember, and care for each other with compassion, making it a day of love in its many forms.



P.s Photo circa 2009 in Thailand having a break from the stresses of working in the public service in a job I loathed. About 3 years before I discovered the power of yoga.

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