Continuing my Myofascial Release Journey - Roll Model Training in Brisbane
Mar 14, 2024
Hi there
Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to attend a three-day Roll Model training in Brisbane. Marking a significant milestone in my ongoing exploration of myo-fascial release techniques. This wasn't my first experience with myo-fascial release. The seeds got planted back in 2014 during my fitness training. One of my teachers was a physiotherapist. He introduced me to the benefits of using foam rollers with my clients. Sparking a journey that would weave through my fitness and yoga practices over the years.
My initial foray into the world of myo-fascial release was rather unconventional. Involving tennis balls during my first yin yoga class in Bali. This experience piqued my curiosity. Leading me to a deeper exploration of fascia study and 'Myoyin' under the guidance of Jo Thee in Perth in 2019. For those of you don't know who Jo is. Jo is a senior Assistant to Paul Grilley (many deem to be the founder of yin yoga). Jo is also an anatomy geek, a fascia geek and an avid dissector!
That course, focusing on myo-fascial release balls into yin yoga. It became a cornerstone of my personal and teaching practice. It even inspired me to run a successful workshop later that year.
It was around this time I discovered Jill Miller. The visionary behind the Yoga Tune Up release balls and author of "The Roll Model". These meticulously designed balls are available in four sizes. Represented a breakthrough in myo-fascial release tools. Setting a new standard for effectiveness and versatility. I had long thought that learning this method would mean a trip to the USA, but fate had other plans. Thanks to a colleague I met at a previous training. I learned that the Roll Model training would be coming to Australia. It hadn't run in Australia since before Covid. Seizing the opportunity, I saw it as a perfect escape. Escape from the hustle of moving houses and an invaluable chance to deepen my practice.
The training itself surpassed my expectations. The Yoga Tune Up balls are nothing short of revolutionary:
Offering not just relief from aches and pains. Relief that doesn’t come in the form of an expensive massage chair which are known fire hazards. The CFA has not closed the report on the fire that started in my next door neighbours house as I write this blog (just over 2 months after the event). But it’s almost certain that it started from a massage chair. A chair that cost over $7,000 and was about 5 years old. If you have one please get it checked regularly, make sure it’s turned off after you use it or better sell it!
These balls are much cheaper and portable. I take them with me when I travel.
They also enhance breathing, mobility, energy levels.
They have a potent effect on improving posture and overall performance.
Even aiding in stress reduction through down regulation of the central nervous system. I have purposeful rollouts before bed that stimulate the vagus nerve. The nerve that informs your rest and digest system to kick in. They can be so relaxing they often lull me into sleep!
Integrating these techniques into my client sessions is something I'm eagerly looking forward to. The benefits of myo-fascial release are too significant to overlook. I'm excited to share these with others. This training not only equipped me with new tools and knowledge. But also reaffirmed the importance of continuous learning. We are all students. Being open to learning, helps us grow.
The journey to Brisbane was bittersweet, as it was the first time I've been away from my daughter. This challenge added a personal dimension to the experience. Reminding me of the sacrifices and choices we make in pursuit of our passions and professional development.
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Virginia Corpus-McDermott. Virginia owns Movement Vitality in Brisbane and facilitated this enriching course. To Jill Miller for her pioneering work in the field of myo-fascial release. I look forward to the ways it will shape my practice and the benefits it will bring to my clients. The path of learning and growth is endless. I'm grateful for every step that leads me to become a better practitioner. A better teacher and mentor in the world of wellness.
Drop me a line if you're interested to know more!
Yours in pain relief!
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