The Importance of Taking Time to Just be

#mindfulness #reflection #selfcare Sep 26, 2024
Naxos greece street

Hi all,

I went on a holiday to Singapore and Europe in July/August 2024. After spending a month away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. I've returned with a fresh perspective on the importance of mindfulness and relaxation. I often do most of this on my mat.

I used to do this when driving. Taking in the number plates on the car for instance whilst humming to improve my vagal tone. Vagal tones pretty much means, improving your nervous system. So that the rest digest quicks in quickly when it needs to. And spending more time in it that the fight flight.

Our lives are often a frenzied dash from one task to the next. Especially if we have excess Vata in Ayurvedic terms. Which is me and many.

Even if you are not like this because you're not busy. I.e you're retired and as a result have more time. How much time do you take off your mat to just enjoy the moment? Rather than scroll mindlessly on your phone or shopping to get a dopamine hit?

If either of these is the case for you, notice what happens when you choose to pause and absorb the world around us. Try it. Notice the difference.

I observed the stark contrast between the constant rush of trying to get from point A to point B. The tranquil moments where time seemed to stand still. This busyness isn't just about physical movement. It's a mental rush that seldom ceases. It's rushing through breakfast to start work. Multitasking to save time, and constantly planning what's next. This relentless pace can erode our mental and emotional well-being.

Taking time out allowed me to disconnect from my daily routines and reconnect with my inner self. Through mindfulness. Being present in the moment as well as in my yoga practice. I engaged with my surroundings. Which led to profound relaxation and peace. This practice isn't merely about stress relief. It's about cultivating a state of mind that values being over doing. Respecting ourselves enough for this extra form of self-care. Which I let get negated after the fire of January 2024.

The calmness I experienced on holiday didn't just make for a pleasant break. It provided mental clarity and an improved mood that I brought back to my daily life. This break has highlighted how critical it is to regularly step back and take sometime to be.

We all deserve to experience moments of stillness and peace. Away from the demands of our schedules. I encourage everyone to take time out. Even if it's just a few minutes each day, to practice mindfulness. It’s not about escaping life but about not letting life escape us. T
ry to prioritise your mental health and embrace the quiet moments. It might be what you need to lead happier, healthier lives.

On top of other modalities. Such as a regular yoga practice, exercise and good nutrition.

Yours in health


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