January 11 2024 - The Scariest Night of My Life so Far

#dailyyoga #gratitude #housefire #ishvarapranidhana #nonattachment #positivemindset Jan 29, 2024
chimney purple orange fire

Hi there,

Have you ever had one of those days when you can't believe what is unfolding in front of you?
I have.
It's not every day that you find yourself in the midst of a surreal nightmare. One that shakes the very foundation of your life.
On the evening of Thursday, 11 January 2024, my family and I were thrust into such an ordeal. A devastating fire that erupted next door, altering our lives. Sky News reported it as West Melbourne. No it was South East actually.

The night started like any other, with plans for a peaceful evening meditation. As I picked up my trusty airpods, a sudden alert on my phone broke the calm. A notification from the side camera that I thought was a ghost or some sort of camouflaged burglar. When actually it was smoke. I didn't have the sound on. When I watched it a few days later it played that awful noise of a house crashing down.
In mere moments, my husband's urgent voice shattered the illusion of a normal night. Revealing the horror of our neighbour’s house engulfed in flames. We were out in 2 minutes. We had little time to think. I called 000 while my husband got my daughter to safety. We fled our home in our pyjamas. I left in such a hurry I didn't even have shoes on. I had nothing but my phone, my daughter by my side, and my husband managing to save one car from the impending chaos.

The fire, which started around 11pm, spread with ferocious speed. One of the reasons it made national news. It claimed one house and damaged at least 3 others, including our own. The response from the fire department, swift as it was, felt agonisingly slow in the moment. This was a testament to the fear and uncertainty that enveloped us.

2 Neighbours, kind strangers provided a fleece jacket for me and one for my daughter. They gave me sandals, and water for both of us. As our house burned I turned my daughter away so should could look the other way. She was very worried about her toys. I sung Twinkle to her as the fire ran its course.

This wasn't our first encounter with a fire on our street. A fire in September 2023 had led me to believe we were somehow shielded from that misfortune. Life, had other plans. It demonstrated that security is an illusion and that adversity spares no one.

As a practitioner of yoga, I've learned to cultivate resilience. To find strength in the face of adversity. This incident was a harsh reminder that while we cannot control what happens to us, we can choose how we respond.
This ordeal has also provided a unique opportunity for reflection. The teachings of the Sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras have helped me during this time. Particularly the following concepts:


Aparigraha (non-attachment) has taught me the value of letting go. What we possess can often possess us as Gabrielle Harris said in one of her books. Gabrielle is the author of the Language of Yin and The Inspired Yoga Teacher. I don't know which one as I'm still assessing the smoke damage of my contents. The fire an opportunity to declutter, both physically and emotionally. This challenged my attachments and urged me to reassess what truly matters. All I need is my daughter and my husband. Losing many of my belongings, while painful, has been a profound lesson. It has simplified my life in unexpected ways. It gives me the opportunity to understand more deeply the concept of Aparighraha. We are more than our material belongings. They can often cause great suffering when we have such attachment.


Practicing gratitude has helped me accept my current situation. Acceptance of the current situation is Santosha. It reminds me that while we cannot control every aspect of our lives, we can find peace. Peace in acceptance. It helps to focus on what I have rather than what I don't. It's easy to be overwhelmed by loss and despair. Focusing on what remains rather than what was lost shifts the perspective towards positivity and hope:

I am very fortunate that no one died or suffered injury. Sure there's been trauma there for many of us. My house is damaged but standing. It stinks and is full of soot and there's lots of work ahead even 15 days later as I write this. We didn't lose everything, unlike our poor neighbours;
We have a roof over our head thanks to insurance;
We managed to get a hotel at 2.30am thanks to my step son's ID;
We have insurance;
I was able to step back from work for a while;
Our immediate neighbours were wonderful;
The firefighters were heroes (50 of them shockingly) and 14 trucks. They could not have done a better job;
Kmart 24/7 is a lifesaver when at 3am when you don't have any clothes except for pyjamas. We are keeping the receipt as a souvenir!;
3 news channels filmed my husband and I collecting contents. Plus assessing the damage the following afternoon. A firefighter warned me and wiped soot of my face. None of the channels filmed our distressed 4 year old who stayed across the road with my step son. They are legally allowed to apparently;
The Airbnb has a surprisingly large laundry. This is handy for salvaging clothes, soft toys, linen and towels that survived but have smoke damage. I've never done so much washing in my life!;
Black N95 Masks make cleaning out a smoke filled house more bearable. Trust me it stinks. So much it can cause nausea and vomiting. If you use a white one they'll turn black anyway!; and
Ariat horse riding boots are great for protecting your feet from debris and glass. Luckily they were in the garage and I could easily grab them.

The principle of Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender to the divine,) has offered peace amidst the turmoil. Peace amongst the chaos. It's a reminder that not all events in life are controllable. Sometimes, surrendering to the flow of life can bring clarity and purpose in the long run. This practice helps me to trust that, in time, the reasons behind our trials may reveal themselves. Offering lessons and opportunities for growth.

In sharing my story, I hope to inspire others. Not only to prepare for the unexpected. But to also recognise the strength that comes from community. The strength that we do have within us. Plus, the power of a positive mindset. Rather than thinking 'why me'?

This experience, though harrowing, has proven the effectiveness of my daily yoga practice. It's a reminder that life can be unpredictable and challenging. These lessons will continue to shape my journey. They serve as a reminder that, even in the face of loss, there is always a path toward growth, healing, and renewal.

Let this be a reminder to cherish every moment. To practice gratitude and to try to extend a helping hand to those in need. Remember, it is not the trials that define us, but how we rise above them. Times like this are humbling. They show us how much we actually have. Plus what is important.




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