What Mother Nature Teaches Us About Handling Life's Fires
Jul 01, 2024
As a yoga teacher and wellness coach, I often find profound lessons in unexpected places. I recently noticed this in my garden. Which suffered from a fire a few months ago, became a source of unexpected inspiration.
I observed the aftermath, as I attended to the garden. I noticed how different plants responded to the same adverse event:
One tree, oddly unaffected by the fire directly, withered and died. A poignant reminder that sometimes our deepest scars are not from direct hits. But from unseen internal struggles.
The Lilys, although completely burnt, quickly regrew, symbolising rapid recovery and resilience. An inspiration for anyone facing sudden challenges. Also perhaps in defiance against me as I have tried many times to get rid of them. Determined to stay!
Half of the citrus trees were burnt. Yet they still produced fruit 3 months after the fire. This resilience speaks to the potential within us. To not only survive but thrive, even when parts of our lives are damaged.
The large pines at the back of the garden showed minimal signs of distress. Despite singed by the fire of January 11 2024. Standing tall and unaffected, a testament to quiet endurance.
These observations made me reflect on the types of responses we embody when faced with difficulties:
Are we the tree that succumbs?
The lily that regenerates quickly?
The fruitful citrus that carries on despite damage/injury?
or the enduring pine?
This reflection is a call to recognise and cultivate our inner strength.
Much like the diverse responses of the garden. Each of us can find a unique path to healing and growth.
Much like the plants that thrive in their own time and way after adversity.
May your yoga practice, help you thrive, not just survive.
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